You can contribute to the continuation and expansion of Preparatory Purusha and thereby participate in the creation of ideal students at Maharishi University of Management, ideal peace-creators who will bring Invincibility to the U.S. and to the whole world.
Your donation will count towards sponsoring Yogic Flyers who would like to be on Preparatory Purusha but cannot afford to live in Vastu, which is an essential part of the program.
A long term goal of Preparatory Purusha is to have its own dining hall, Flying hall, and a larger Vastu residence hall, so that its members can enjoy the full value of the program, evolving with maximum speed towards Enlightenment, and producing the most powerful influence of coherence for the world through their group Yogic Flying. Therefore, if there is no need for sponsorship of individual members to live in Vastu, your donation will count towards the construction of these facilities.
“It’s a great, great work that has developed, that a few people Yogic Flying and the world will be spontaneously in terms of harmony—harmony in the world, harmony in the world. Throughout the globe there will be no ups and downs. The world will ever be in peace, harmony happiness, invincibility. All Glory to Guru Dev. No end to these waves of bliss.”
Excerpt from Maharishi’s concluding remarks to the world on January 11th 2008.