Reading the Vedic
Literature in Sanskrit
Practicing the Transcendental
Meditation program


Shiksha is one of the structuring dynamics of Rk Veda. It highlights the quality of EXPRESSION involved in structuring Rk Veda. With reference to consciousness, Shiksha comprises the specific sets of laws of Nature that are engaged in promoting the quality of Rishi — the observer, the witnessing quality — within the Samhita level of consciousness, providing a structure to the eternally silent, self-referral, self-sufficient, fully awake state of consciousness, which is intimately personal to everyone.(complete table of qualities)

In the physiology, Shiksha is represented by the structures which compute and express the internal aspects of the physiology, such as its biochemical constituents, temperature, pressure, etc. (the expressions of the autonomic nervous system).

These expressions are channeled via the autonomic ganglia. These are 36 on each side of the spinal cord, corresponding to the 36 books of  Shiksha.

Human Physiology: Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature — Prof. Tony Nader-Ram in Human Physiology: Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature,
Shiksha Physiology
(click for a larger view)

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1. Śamāna Śikṣā 
2. Aṣṭavikṛtivivṛtiḥ (Vyāli Śikṣā) 
3. Svaravyañjana Śikṣā 
4. Śaiśirīya Śikṣā 
5. Vyāsa Śikṣā 
6. Cārāyaṇīya Śikṣā 
7. Ātreya Śikṣā 
8. Vāsiṣṭha Śikṣā 
9. Pāṇinīya Śikṣā 
10. Lakṣmīkānta Śikṣā 
11. Pārāśarīya Śikṣā 
12. Keśavī padyātmikā Śikṣā 
13. Svarabhaktilakṣaṇapariśiṣṭa Śikṣā 
14. Kātyāyanī Śikṣā 
15. Varṇaratnapradīpikā Śikṣā 
16. Mādhyandinīya Śikṣā 
17. Māṇḍavya Śikṣā 
18. Vāsiṣṭhī Śikṣā(Tirupati) 
19. Yājñavalkya Śikṣā 
20. Mallaśarma Śikṣā 
21. Amoghānandinī Śikṣā (Benares) 
22. Avasānanirṇaya Śikṣā 
23. Siddhānta Śikṣā 
24. Āpiśali Śikṣā 
25. Sarvasaṃmata Śikṣā 
26. Āraṇya Śikṣā 
27. Śambhu Śikṣā 
28. Kālanirṇaya Śikṣā 
29. Bhāradvāja Śikṣā 
30. Kauhalīya Śikṣā 
31. Pāri Śikṣā 
32. Ṣoḍaśaślokī Śikṣā 
33. Māṇḍūkī Śikṣā 
34. Nāradīyā Śikṣā 
35. Gautamīya Śikṣā 
36. Lomaśīya Śikṣā 

Additional Śikṣā
37. Kauṇḍinya Śikṣā (Hyderabad) 
38. Kauṇḍinya Śikṣā (Mysore) 
39. Atharvavedīya Dantyoṣṭhavidhi 
40. Padacandrikā 
41. Padakārikāratnamālā 
42. Laugākṣi Śikṣā 
43. Vararuci Śikṣā 
44. Śaunaka Śikṣā 

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
on the importance of
regular practice of the
Transcendental Meditation technique:

Through Transcendental Meditation the awareness of the individual gains self-referral consciousness; it identifies with  the self-referral state of consciousness, Samhita level of consciousness, the field of pure intelligence — infinite Creative Intelligence — and through the self-referral dynamics of self-referral consciousness, the diversified state of the awareness of the individual realizes the concentrated power of Natural Law in its unified state, and through practice lives Natural Law in daily life.

Maharishi University of Management, p. 183

Learn the TM technique

Click on a branch of Vedic Literature
to access the pdf files

Atharva Veda Yajur Veda Sama Veda Atharva Veda Pratishakhya (Chaturadhyayi) Krishna-Yajur-Veda Pratishakhya (Taittiriya) Sama Veda Pratishakhya (Pushpa Sutram) Atharva Veda Pratishakhya Shukl-Yajur-Veda Pratishakhya Rk Veda Pratishakhya Itihas Puran Smriti Brahmana Aranyak Upanishad Vyakaran Kalp Shiksha Jyotish Chhand Nirukt Nyaya Vaisheshik Samkhya Yoga Karma Mimansa Vedant Gandharva Veda Dhanur Veda Sthapatya Veda Harita Samhita Bhel Samhita Kashyap Samhita Charak Samhita Sushrut Samhita Vagbhatt Samhita Bhava-Prakash Samhita Sharngadhar Samhita Madhav Nidan Samhita