Reading the Vedic
Literature in Sanskrit
Practicing the Transcendental
Meditation program
Krishna-Yajur-Veda Pratishakhya

Krishna-Yajur-Veda Pratishakhya (Taittiriya)

Krishn-Yajur-Veda Pratishakhya is one of the structuring dynamics of Rk Veda. It highlights the OMNIPRESENT quality involved in structuring Rk Veda. With reference to consciousness, Krishn-Yajur-Veda Pratishakhya comprises the specific sets of laws of Nature that are engaged in promoting the quality of Devata — the process of observation, the dynamism of observing in the witnessing quality of Rishi — within the Samhita level of consciousness, providing a structure to the eternally silent, self-referral, self-sufficient, fully awake state of consciousness, which is intimately personal to everyone. (complete table of qualities)

Layer III of the cerebral cortex contains cells whose projections are spread via the commisural and corticocortical fibres to all areas of the cortex. The commisural fibres cross from one side of the brain to the other connecting distant cortical layers. 

They, therefore, are a wide-range integrating and processing set of fibres within the self-referral nature of the activity of the nervous system. They have a quality of omnipresence.

Human Physiology: Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature — Prof. Tony Nader-Ram in Human Physiology: Expression of Veda and the Vedic Literature,
pp. 189
Krishna-Yajur-Veda Pratishakhya (Taittiriya) Physiology
(click for a larger view)

Taittiriya Pratishakhya  84KB

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
on the importance of
regular practice of the
Transcendental Meditation technique:

Gahana karmana gatih

Translation: Deep is the field of action — the progressive, dynamic passage of action.

Action has its range from point to infinity — from isolation to the field — from the effect at a point to the 'Field Effect', the Maharishi Effect, which permeates and pervades the whole field of space and time.

It is called the Maharishi Effect because Transcendental Meditation takes the mind to Transcendental Consciousness, which is alertness, total wakefulness of the field, which is Maha (great, unbounded) Rishi, (the intelligence that knows everything and sees everything) — the infinite creative potential of dynamism in the field of infinite silence.

Maharishi Absolute Theory of Government, p. 439

Learn the TM technique

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Atharva Veda Yajur Veda Sama Veda Atharva Veda Pratishakhya (Chaturadhyayi) Krishna-Yajur-Veda Pratishakhya (Taittiriya) Sama Veda Pratishakhya (Pushpa Sutram) Atharva Veda Pratishakhya Shukl-Yajur-Veda Pratishakhya Rk Veda Pratishakhya Itihas Puran Smriti Brahmana Aranyak Upanishad Vyakaran Kalp Shiksha Jyotish Chhand Nirukt Nyaya Vaisheshik Samkhya Yoga Karma Mimansa Vedant Gandharva Veda Dhanur Veda Sthapatya Veda Harita Samhita Bhel Samhita Kashyap Samhita Charak Samhita Sushrut Samhita Vagbhatt Samhita Bhava-Prakash Samhita Sharngadhar Samhita Madhav Nidan Samhita