Sushruta Samhita

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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Sushrut Samhita Sanskrit
   His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
   on the importance of regular practice of
   the Transcendental Meditation technique:
Sushruta Samhita is one of the structuring dynamics of Rk Veda. It highlights
the SEPARATING quality involved in structuring Rk Veda.
With reference to consciousness, Sushruta Samhita comprises the specific sets
of laws of Nature that are engaged in promoting the quality of Devata--the

The coexistence of silence and dynamism is the
self-referral field of consciousness--Transcendental

Transcendental Consciousness is infinite
dynamism in its eternal silence; it is the field of the Cosmic
Constitution--the common source of all diversity in creation
--the field of pure subjectivity--potential objectivity--the
field of infinite organizing power--the self-sufficient source
of law and order available to everyone in one's own self-
referral consciousness.

All possibilities are lively in the life of everyone from this
level of the organizing power of Natural Law, which is the
simplest state of human awareness--self-referral
Transcendental Consciousness.

-Maharishi Forum of Natural Law and National Law
 for Doctors,
pp. 215-218

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process of observation, the dynamism of observing in the witnessing quality of
Rishi--within the Samhita level of consciousness, providing a structure to the
eternally silent, self-referral, self-sufficient, fully awake state of consciousness,
which is intimately personal to everyone.
(complete table of qualities)

In the physiology, Sushruta Samhita 
corresponds to the tissues and organs 
formed by the endoderm. They include the 
gut, the lungs, the liver, the pancreas, the 
thyroid, and the thymus. 

These organs maintain different aspects of 
the physiology in balance. For example, the 
lungs maintain the oxygen/carbon dioxide 
balance in the tissues; the gut glands and the
liver balance the amount of nutrients needed 
in the blood and tissues... 

-His Majesty Prof. Tony Nader-Ram in 
Human Physiology: Expression of  
Veda and the Vedic Literature, p. 171 

Sushruta Samhita Physiology
(click for a larger view)
 more about Sushruta Samhita




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