Karma Mimansa

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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Karma Mimansa Sanskrit
   His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
   on the importance of regular practice of
   the Transcendental Meditation technique:
Karma Mimansa is one of the structuring dynamics of Rk Veda. It highlights the
ANALYZING quality involved in structuring Rk Veda.
With reference to consciousness, Karma Mimansa comprises the specific sets
of laws of Nature that are engaged in promoting the quality of Devata--the

This point of pure wakefulness, full alertness,
Transcendental Consciousness--the total potential of
Natural Law available in every grain of creation, in every
point of creation, is the ruler of the universe; it is the lively
Constitution of the Universe; it is available to everyone in
his simplest, most natural state of awareness.

-Introduction to Maharishi Vedic University, p. 224

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process of observation, the dynamism of observing in the witnessing
quality of Rishi--within the Samhita level of consciousness, providing
a structure to the eternally silent, self-referral, self-sufficient, fully
awake state of consciousness, which is intimately personal to everyone.
(complete table of qualities)
  In the physiology, Karma Mimansa is 
represented by the integrated holistic 
functioning of the nervous system within the 
field of pure wakefulness, unbounded 
consciousness--the total analysis of all action 
and perception seen within wholeness. 

This occurs by means of all the different parts 
of the central nervous system projecting onto 
the cortical layers. The adult nervous system 
is divided into six anatomical regions, each of 
which is billaterally paired. This forms 12 
divisions. [12 chapters of Karma Mimansa].

-His Majesty Prof. Tony Nader-Ram in 
Human Physiology: Expression of  
Veda and the Vedic Literature, pp. 163-166 
Karma Mimansa Physiology
(click for a larger view)
 more about Karma Mimansa

  Karma Mimansa DarshanamKarma Mimansa Darshanam

  All 6 Darshanas in a single file





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