Vedic Literature Reading Curriculum
Abstract: In this dissertation a model curriculum of reading the Vedic Literature is
presented for the six Vedanga, a group of texts encompassing the Vedic sciences of
phonetics, Yajña, grammar, etymology, prosody, and Vedic astrology. Included in this
model curriculum are samples of each text, description of the content and structure of
each text, and presentation of the correlates in human physiology, based on the research
of Dr. Tony Nader.
Chapter 1: Introduction: The program of reading Vedic Literature has its theoretical foundation in the
discovery by His Majesty Raja Nader Ram that every aspect of Veda and Vedic
Literature has a counterpart, a corresponding structure in human physiology. Reading
the Vedic Literature in sequence—combined with the practice of the Transcendental
Meditation® technique, the other key technology of Vedic Education—is a systematic
program to enliven total brain physiology, in order to culture perfection in life.
Chapter 2: The Vedic Alphabet: The eight Svara, as Maharishi has identified them, range from the completely
open throat sound of “A,” to the completely closed sound of “Am.” Maharishi counts the
eight Svara to be A, I, U, Ri, Lri, E, O, and Am. From the 8 svaras arise 21 vowels and 33 consonants. The
consonants are comprised of three groups, Sparsha, Antahstha and Ushman, full contact, half-contact, and
sybillants and fricatives. The Sanskrit alphabet is a perfect system of quantification of totality.
Chapter 3: Vedic Phonetics: In service of correct pronunciation of the texts
of the four principal Veda, there is a diverse collection of ancillary texts that serve to
elucidate the salient points in the Vedic texts that the student must know in order to
pronounce the texts properly. These texts, of which Shiksha is perhaps the most salient
part, are broadly called Veda Lakshana. They represent a class of compositions that
serve to elucidate both simple and complex issues of pronunciation. Vedic phonetics is an
elaborately detailed science, comprehensively exploring the theory and practice of all
kinds of Vedic recitation.
Chapter 4: Kalpa: Kalpa presents a comprehensive technology for transforming anything into
anything else, or transforming empty space, vacuum, into any desired object. The
procedures that are presented in Kalpa are predominantly Yagya, which are procedures
for making use of Vedic sounds to accomplish specific desired results. Starting with a
Sankalpa, a resolution of what is desired, the Yagya carries the attention through different
phases of transformation by means of specific recitations of the four Veda, so that the
organizing power is generated that will bring about the fulfillment of the desire. It is
essentially an advanced technology of materialization of the impulses of speech.
Chapter 5: Vedic Grammar: The
Ashtadhyayi, written by the sage Panini, is made up of about 4000 extremely pithy
Sutra. In these Sutra, Panini describes how the expressed words of spoken language are built up from simple verbal roots. In the process of expanding a root, the root undergoes a series of operations which expand its qualities. The original root undergoes
transformation as a series of prefixes and suffixes are added and rules of euphonic
combination are applied until finally the root appears as a verb or noun in audible speech.
Chapter 6: Nirukta: Nirukta is a dictionary, a textbook to systematically unfold the meanings of
words. The self-referral direction is shown in the text of Nirukta by reversing the
direction of expansion found in Vyakarana. Whereas Vyakarana started with the root,
and systematically expanded it until it was fully articulated as a verb or noun, in Nirukta,
Yaska starts with the expressed word, and points out the root from which the word was
Chapter 7: Vedic Metre: Chhandas measures the number of syllables in the Richa or verse of the Veda. The
main textbook of Chhandas, Vedic metre, is Pingalachhandasutra. The text has eight
chapters with a total of 315 Sutra.
Chapter 8: Vedic Astronomy and Astrology: The complete knowledge of Natural Law and its
evolution and expression in creation is known through the relationships between various
components: These components can be investigated outside, in terms of the nine planets,
the 12 zodiac signs, the 12 astrological houses, and the 27 Nakshatras, and also inside, in terms
of specific physiological structures that are counterparts in structure and function to the
manifest components of the cosmos viewed outside. Thus, there are two simultaneous parallel processes:
Building up the human being from the specific qualities of planets and signs and houses,
and Nakshatras, put together in one integrated wholeness in the life experience of the
individual; and building up the human being from the specific qualities and properties
and behaviors of anatomical structures in the physiology. The close correspondence leads
to the conclusion that the individual is built up of the impulses of cosmic life; the
individual is made of Natural Law, the individual human body is truly cosmic.
Chapter 9: Presenting a New Paradigm in Education: The speciality of the Transcendental
Meditation technique is that it directly gives rise to the experience of total brain
functioning in the state of Transcendental Consciousness. Transcendental Consciousness is
consciousness awake in itself without any object of experience; it is a state of complete
abstraction, often described as restful alertness. This experience cultures the brain to
function as a whole: There is no other way to culture total brain functioning other than
through the experience of Transcendental Consciousness, easily gained through the
Transcendental Meditation technique. A perfect complement to the Transcendental Meditation
technique is the reading of the Vedic Literature in Sanskrit, which has its own unique EEG signature, indicating
increasing stabilization of the total brain functioning experienced through the
Transcendental Meditation technique, but with eyes open. The strategy of Maharishi
Consciousness-Based education is to implement both these technologies on a daily basis,
to profoundly culture the human brain physiology, systematically awakening the inner
genius of the student.
Appendix I: Completing the Reading Curriculum: Darshanas, Upaveda, Ayurveda, Brahmanas and Pratishakhyas:
Structure of each text, and beginning and ending verses.
Appendix II: A Complete Vedic Library in Sanskrit and English